Source code for padmet.utils.exploration.flux_analysis

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    1./ Run flux balance analyse with cobra package on an already defined reaction.
    Need to set in the sbml the value 'objective_coefficient' to 1.
    If the reaction is reachable by flux: return the flux value and the flux value
    for each reactant of the reaction.
    If not: only return the flux value for each reactant of the reaction.
    If a reactant has a flux of '0' this means that it is not reachable by flux
    (and maybe topologically). To unblock the reaction it is required to fix the
    metabolic network by adding/removing reactions until all reactant are reachable.
    2./If seeds and targets given as sbml files with only compounds.
    Will also try to use the Menetools library to make a topologicall analysis.
    Topological reachabylity of the targets compounds from the seeds compounds.
    3./ If --all_species: will test flux reachability of all the compounds in the
    metabolic network (may take several minutes)


        padmet flux_analysis --sbml=FILE
        padmet flux_analysis --sbml=FILE --seeds=FILE --targets=FILE [--all_species]
        padmet flux_analysis --sbml=FILE --all_species

        -h --help    Show help.
        --sbml=FILE    pathname to the sbml file to test for fba and fva.
        --seeds=FILE    pathname to the sbml file containing the seeds (medium).
        --targets=FILE    pathname to the sbml file containing the targets.
        --all_species    allow to make FBA on all the metabolites of the given model.
import docopt
import os

from padmet.utils.sbmlPlugin import convert_from_coded_id
from cobra import Reaction
from cobra import flux_analysis as cobra_flux_analysis
from import read_sbml_model

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def flux_analysis_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) sbml_file = args["--sbml"] seeds_file = args["--seeds"] targets_file = args["--targets"] all_species = args["--all_species"] flux_analysis(sbml_file, seeds_file, targets_file, all_species)
[docs] def flux_analysis(sbml_file, seeds_file = None, targets_file = None, all_species = False): """ 1./ Run flux balance analyse with cobra package on an already defined reaction. Need to set in the sbml the value 'objective_coefficient' to 1. If the reaction is reachable by flux: return the flux value and the flux value for each reactant of the reaction. If not: only return the flux value for each reactant of the reaction. If a reactant has a flux of '0' this means that it is not reachable by flux (and maybe topologically). To unblock the reaction it is required to fix the metabolic network by adding/removing reactions until all reactant are reachable. 2./If seeds and targets given as sbml files with only compounds. Will also try to use the Menetools library to make a topologicall analysis. Topological reachabylity of the targets compounds from the seeds compounds. 3./ If --all_species: will test flux reachability of all the compounds in the metabolic network (may take several minutes) Parameters ---------- sbml_file: str path to sbml file to analyse seeds_file: str path to sbml file with only compounds representing the seeds/growth medium targets_file: str path to sbml file with only compounds representing the targets to reach all_species: bool if True will try to create obj function for each compound and return which are reachable by flux. """ if targets_file: if not os.path.exists(targets_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No target SBML file accessible at " + targets_file) targets = read_sbml_model(targets_file).metabolites if seeds_file: if not os.path.exists(seeds_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No seeds SBML file accessible at " + seeds_file) if not os.path.exists(sbml_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No target SBML file accessible at " + sbml_file) model=read_sbml_model(sbml_file) #nb metabolites real_metabolites = set(["_"+i.compartment,"") for i in model.metabolites]) rxn_with_ga = [i for i in model.reactions if i.gene_reaction_rule] print("#############") print("Model summary") print("Number of compounds: %s" %len(real_metabolites)) print("Number of reactions: %s" %len(model.reactions)) print("Number of genes: %s" %len(model.genes)) print("Ratio rxn with genes/rxns: %s%%" %(100*len(rxn_with_ga)/len(model.reactions))) # Launch a topoligical analysis if menetools is installed. if seeds_file and targets_file: print("#############") print("Analyzing targets") print("#Topological analysis") try: from menetools import run_menecheck menetools_result = run_menecheck(draft_sbml=sbml_file, seeds_sbml=seeds_file, targets_sbml=targets_file) print("Number of targets: %s" %(len(targets))) print("Unproductible targets: " + ",".join(menetools_result[0])) print("Productible targets: " + ",".join(menetools_result[1])) except ImportError: print("Menetools is not installed. Can't run topological analysis.") print("#Flux Balance Analysis") fba_on_targets(targets, model) if all_species: targets = model.metabolites print("#Flux Balance Analysis on all model metabolites (long process...)") fba_on_targets(targets, model) return try: biomassrxn = [rxn for rxn in model.reactions if rxn.objective_coefficient == 1.0][0] biomassname = except IndexError: print("Need to set OBJECTIVE COEFFICIENT to '1.0' for the reaction to test") exit() print("#############") print("Computing optimization") solution= model.optimize() print("Testing reaction %s" %biomassname) print("Growth rate: %s" %solution.objective_value) print("Status: %s" %solution.status) model.summary() if (solution.objective_value > 1e-5): blocked = cobra_flux_analysis.find_blocked_reactions(model, model.reactions) essRxns = cobra_flux_analysis.find_essential_reactions(model) essGenes = cobra_flux_analysis.find_essential_genes(model) print('FVA analysis:') print('\tBlocked reactions: %s' %len(blocked)) print('\tEssential reactions: %s' %len(essRxns)) [print( for rxn in essRxns] print('\tEssential genes: %s' %len(essGenes)) #get biomass rxn reactants bms_reactants = dict([(k,v) for k,v in list(biomassrxn.metabolites.items()) if v < 0]) bms_products = dict([(k,v) for k,v in list(biomassrxn.metabolites.items()) if v > 0]) dict_output = {"positive":{},"negative":{}} #for each metabolite in reactant, create a biomass rxn with only this metabolite in reactants biomassrxn.objective_coefficient = 0.0 for reactant, stoich in list(bms_reactants.items()): test_rxn = Reaction("test_rxn") test_rxn.lower_bound = 0 test_rxn.upper_bound = 1000 metabolitedict = dict(bms_products) metabolitedict.update({reactant:stoich}) model.add_reactions([test_rxn]) test_rxn.add_metabolites(metabolitedict) test_rxn.objective_coefficient = 1.0 solution = model.optimize() if (solution.objective_value > 1e-5): dict_output["positive"][reactant] = solution.objective_value else: dict_output["negative"][reactant] = solution.objective_value model.remove_reactions([test_rxn]) print("%s/%s compounds with positive flux" %(len(list(dict_output["positive"].keys())), len(bms_reactants))) print("%s/%s compounds without flux" %(len(list(dict_output["negative"].keys())), len(bms_reactants))) for k,v in list(dict_output["positive"].items()): print("%s // %s %s positive" %(k, convert_from_coded_id([0]+"_"+convert_from_coded_id([2], v)) for k,v in list(dict_output["negative"].items()): print("%s // %s %s NULL" %(k, convert_from_coded_id([0]+"_"+convert_from_coded_id([2], v))
[docs] def fba_on_targets(allspecies, model): """ for each specie in allspecies, create an objective function with the current species as only product and try to optimze the model and get flux. Parameters ---------- allSpecies: list list of species ids to test model: cobra.model Cobra model from a sbml file """ #dict_output = {"positive":{},"negative":{}} for species in allspecies: #lets create a copy of the initial model model2 = model.copy() #remove all obj coef for rxn in model2.reactions: if rxn.objective_coefficient == 1.0: rxn.objective_coefficient = 0.0 #Create a new reaction that consume the given species FBA_rxn = Reaction("FBA_TEST") FBA_rxn.lower_bound = 0 FBA_rxn.upper_bound = 1000 model2.add_reactions([FBA_rxn]) FBA_rxn.objective_coefficient = 1.0 metabolitedict = {} metabolitedict[species]=-1.0 FBA_rxn.add_metabolites(metabolitedict) solution = model2.optimize() if (solution.objective_value > 1e-5): print("%s // %s %s positive" %(species, convert_from_coded_id([0]+"_"+convert_from_coded_id([2], solution.objective_value)) else: print("%s // %s %s NULL" %(species, convert_from_coded_id([0]+"_"+convert_from_coded_id([2], solution.objective_value))