Source code for padmet.utils.connection.metexploreviz_export

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    convert a padmet representing a metabolic network into a json compatible with MetExplore.

        padmet metexploreviz_export --input=FILE --output=DIR [-v] [--focus=FILE]

        -h --help     Show help.
        --input=FILE/FOLDER    path of the padmet representing the network to convert
        --output=FILE/FOLDER    path of json output file
        --focus=FILE/STR    path of tabulated compounds/reaction/pathway or compounds name
import docopt
import os
import json
import sys

from import read_sbml_model
from collections import OrderedDict
from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def metexploreviz_export_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) input_file_folder = args["--input"] output_file = args["--output"] focus = args["--focus"] verbose = args["-v"] metexploreviz_export(input_file_folder, output_file, focus, verbose)
[docs] def create_json_from_padmet(input_file, verbose=False): """ Create JSON formatted for metexploreviz using a padmet file Parameters ---------- input_file: str path to padmet input file verbose: bool if True print information Returns ------- json_dicts: dict JSON formatted for metexploreviz """ nodes_in_json = OrderedDict() #loading padmetSpec if verbose: print('Loading %s' %input_file) padmetSpec = PadmetSpec(input_file) nodes_data = OrderedDict() links_data = OrderedDict() for node in padmetSpec.dicOfNode.values(): if node.type == 'reaction': if node.misc["DIRECTION"][0] == 'REVERSIBLE': reversibility = True else: reversibility = False pathways_ids = [rlt.id_out for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[] if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway"] if not in nodes_in_json: nodes_in_json[] = len(nodes_in_json) nodes_data[] = {'name', 'id': nodes_in_json[], 'reactionReversibility':reversibility, 'biologicalType':'reaction', 'selected': False, 'labelVisible': False, 'pathways': pathways_ids} for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[]: if rlt.type in ['consumes']: reactant_id = rlt.id_out reactant_compartment = rlt.misc['COMPARTMENT'][0] if reactant_id not in nodes_in_json: nodes_in_json[reactant_id] = len(nodes_in_json) nodes_data[reactant_id] = {'name':reactant_id, 'id': nodes_in_json[reactant_id], 'biologicalType':'metabolite', 'compartment': reactant_compartment, 'selected': False, 'labelVisible': False, 'pathways': pathways_ids} else: nodes_data[reactant_id]['pathways'] = list(set(nodes_data[reactant_id]['pathways'] + pathways_ids)) json_id = str(nodes_in_json[reactant_id]) + ' -- ' + str(nodes_in_json[]) links_data[json_id] = {'id':json_id, 'source': nodes_in_json[reactant_id], 'target': nodes_in_json[], 'interaction': 'in', 'reversible': str(reversibility)} if rlt.type in ['produces']: product_id = rlt.id_out product_compartment = rlt.misc['COMPARTMENT'][0] if product_id not in nodes_in_json: nodes_in_json[product_id] = len(nodes_in_json) nodes_data[product_id] = {'name':product_id, 'id': nodes_in_json[product_id], 'biologicalType':'metabolite', 'biologicalType':'metabolite', 'compartment': product_compartment, 'selected': False, 'labelVisible': False, 'pathways': pathways_ids} else: nodes_data[product_id]['pathways'] = list(set(nodes_data[product_id]['pathways'] + pathways_ids)) json_id = str(nodes_in_json[]) + ' -- ' + str(nodes_in_json[product_id]) links_data[json_id] = {'id':json_id, 'source': nodes_in_json[product_id], 'target': nodes_in_json[], 'interaction': 'in', 'reversible': str(reversibility)} return nodes_data, links_data
[docs] def create_json_from_sbml(input_file, verbose=False): """ Create JSON formatted for metexploreviz using a sbml file Parameters ---------- input_file: str path to sbml input file verbose: bool if True print information Returns ------- json_dicts: dict JSON formatted for metexploreviz """ nodes_in_json = {} #loading padmetSpec if verbose: print('Loading %s' %input_file) sbml_model = read_sbml_model(input_file) nodes_data = {} links_data = {} for rxn in sbml_model.reactions: rxn_id = reversibility = rxn.reversibility if rxn_id not in nodes_in_json: nodes_in_json[rxn_id] = len(nodes_in_json) nodes_data[rxn_id] = {'name':rxn_id, 'id': nodes_in_json[rxn_id], 'reactionReversibility':reversibility, 'biologicalType':'reaction', 'selected': False, 'labelVisible': False} for reactant in rxn.reactants: reactant_id = reactant_compartment = reactant.compartment if reactant_id not in nodes_in_json: nodes_in_json[reactant_id] = len(nodes_in_json) nodes_data[reactant_id] = {'name':reactant_id, 'id': nodes_in_json[reactant_id], 'biologicalType':'metabolite', 'compartment': reactant_compartment, 'selected': False, 'labelVisible': False} json_id = str(nodes_in_json[reactant_id]) + ' -- ' + str(nodes_in_json[rxn_id]) links_data[json_id] = {'id':json_id, 'source': nodes_in_json[reactant_id], 'target': nodes_in_json[rxn_id], 'interaction': 'in', 'reversible': str(reversibility)} for product in rxn.products: product_id = product_compartment = product.compartment if product_id not in nodes_in_json: nodes_in_json[product_id] = len(nodes_in_json) nodes_data[product_id] = {'name':product_id, 'id': nodes_in_json[product_id], 'biologicalType':'metabolite', 'biologicalType':'metabolite', 'compartment': product_compartment, 'selected': False, 'labelVisible': False} json_id = str(nodes_in_json[rxn_id]) + ' -- ' + str(nodes_in_json[product_id]) links_data[json_id] = {'id':json_id, 'source': nodes_in_json[product_id], 'target': nodes_in_json[rxn_id], 'interaction': 'in', 'reversible': str(reversibility)} return nodes_data, links_data
[docs] def metexploreviz_export(input_file_folder, output_file, focus, verbose=False): """ Create JSON formatted for metexploreviz using an inptu file or a folder Parameters ---------- input_file_folder: str path to input file (either padmet or sbml) or a folder containing padmet or sbml output_file: str path to JSON formatted for metexploreviz verbose: bool if True print information """ if os.path.isdir(input_file_folder): input_type = "dir" elif os.path.isfile(input_file_folder): input_type = "file" else: raise TypeError("%s is not a dir or a file or is not accessible." %(input_file_folder)) json_dicts = {} if input_type == 'file': _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(input_file_folder) json_dicts_tmp = {} json_dicts_tmp['nodes'] = [] json_dicts_tmp['links'] = [] if file_extension == '.padmet': nodes_data, links_data = create_json_from_padmet(input_file_folder, verbose) elif file_extension == '.sbml': nodes_data, links_data = create_json_from_sbml(input_file_folder, verbose) else: print('Incorrect format for {} Need .padmet of .sbml file.'.format(input_file_folder)) sys.exit() if focus: nodes_data, links_data = select_nodes_links(nodes_data, links_data, focus) for node_id in nodes_data: json_dicts_tmp['nodes'].append(nodes_data[node_id]) for link_id in links_data: json_dicts_tmp['links'].append(links_data[link_id]) json_dicts.update(json_dicts_tmp) elif input_type == 'dir': for input_file in os.listdir(input_file_folder): json_dicts_tmp = {} json_dicts_tmp['nodes'] = [] json_dicts_tmp['links'] = [] input_path = os.path.join(input_file_folder, input_file) _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(input_path) if file_extension == '.padmet': nodes_data, links_data = create_json_from_padmet(input_path, verbose) elif file_extension == '.sbml': nodes_data, links_data = create_json_from_sbml(input_path, verbose) else: print('Incorrect format for {} Need .padmet of .sbml file.'.format(input_path)) sys.exit() for node_id in nodes_data: json_dicts_tmp['nodes'].append(nodes_data[node_id]) for link_id in links_data: json_dicts_tmp['links'].append(links_data[link_id]) json_dicts.update(json_dicts_tmp) with open(output_file, 'w') as dumpfile: json.dump(json_dicts, dumpfile, indent=4)