Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

        padmet relation_curation    --padmet=FILE --id_in=STR [--type=STR] [-v]
        padmet relation_curation    --padmet=FILE --id_out=STR [--type=STR] [-v]
        padmet relation_curation    --padmet=FILE --id_in=STR [--type=STR] --to-remove==STR --output=FILE [-v]
        padmet relation_curation    --padmet=FILE --id_in=STR --id_out=STR [--type=STR] --to-remove==STR --output=FILE [-v]

        -h --help    Show help.
        --model_metabolic=FILE    pathname to the metabolic network of the model (sbml).
        --study_metabolic=FILE    ****.
        --inp=FILE    ****.
        --omcl=FILE    ****.
        --output=FILE    ****.
        -v   print info.
import docopt

from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def relation_curation_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) padmet_file = args["--padmet"] id_in = args["--id_in"] id_out = args["--id_out"] _type = args["--type"] output = args["--output"] verbose = args["-v"] to_remove = args["--to-remove"] padmet = PadmetSpec(padmet_file) get_relations(padmet=padmet, id_in=id_in, id_out=id_out, _type=_type, verbose=verbose) if to_remove: if to_remove != "all": to_remove = to_remove.split(";") get_relations(padmet=padmet, id_in=id_in, id_out=id_out, _type=_type, to_remove=to_remove, output=output, verbose=False)
[docs] def get_relations(padmet, id_in=None, id_out=None, _type=None, to_remove=None, output=None, verbose=False): """ """ if id_in: if id_in not in padmet.dicOfNode.keys() : raise KeyError("id %s not in padmet" %id_in) if id_in not in padmet.dicOfRelationIn.keys() : raise KeyError("id %s is in padmet but is not associated to any relation as id_in" %id_in) if _type: rlts = [rlt for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationIn[id_in] if rlt.type == _type] print("%s relations found with id_in: %s and type: %s" %(len(rlts),id_in, _type)) else: rlts = padmet.dicOfRelationIn[id_in] print("%s relations found with id_in: %s" %(len(rlts),id_in)) [print("INDEX: %s; RELATION: %s" %(k,v.toString())) for k,v in (enumerate(rlts))] elif id_out: if id_out not in padmet.dicOfNode.keys() : raise KeyError("id %s not in padmet" %id_out) if id_out not in padmet.dicOfRelationOut.keys() : raise KeyError("id %s is in padmet but is not associated to any relation as id_out" %id_in) if _type: rlts = [rlt for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut[id_out] if rlt.type == _type] print("%s relations found with id_in: %s and type: %s" %(len(rlts),id_out, _type)) else: rlts = padmet.dicOfRelationIn[id_out] print("%s relations found with id_in: %s" %(len(rlts),id_out)) [print("INDEX: %s; RELATION: %s" %(k,v.toString())) for k,v in (enumerate(rlts))] if not to_remove: return rlts elif to_remove == "all": print("Removing all relations") for rlt in rlts: padmet._delRelation(rlt) padmet.generateFile(output) else: for index, rlt in enumerate(rlts): if str(index) in to_remove: print("Removing relation %s" %rlt.toString()) padmet._delRelation(rlt) padmet.generateFile(output)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()