Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Update a padmetSpec by filling specific forms.

    1./ Create new reaction(s) to padmet file. \n
    - Get the template form with --template_new_rxn
    - Fill the template
    - set --data as path to the filled template

    2./ Add reaction(s) from padmetRef or remove reactions(s). \n
    - Get the template form with --template_add_delete_rxn
    - Fill the template
    - set --date as path to the filled template

    Update padmetSpec and create a new padmet (new_padmet) or overwrite the input


        padmet manual_curation --padmetSpec=FILE --data=FILE [--padmetRef=FILE] [--output=FILE] [--tool=STR] [--category=STR] [-v]
        padmet manual_curation --template_new_rxn=FILE
        padmet manual_curation --template_add_delete_rxn=FILE

        -h --help    Show help.
        --padmetSpec=FILE    path to the padmet to update
        --padmetRef=FILE    path of the padmet representing the reference database
        --data=FILE    path to the form with data for curation
        --output=FILE    path to the output. if None. Overwriting padmetSpec
        --tool=STR    specification of the tool used to allow this curation: ex a tool of gapfilling (meneco)
        --category=STR    specification of the category of curation: ex if a reaction is added based on annotation info, use 'annotation'
        --template_new_rxn=FILE    create a form used to create new reaction, use this form as input for 'data' option
        --template_add_delete_rxn=FILE    create a form used to add or delete reaction, use this form as input for 'data' option
        -v    print info
import csv
import docopt
import os

from padmet.classes import Relation, PadmetRef, PadmetSpec
from padmet.utils.sbmlPlugin import parseGeneAssoc

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def manual_curation_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) data_file = args["--data"] output = args["--output"] verbose = args["-v"] if data_file: if not os.path.exists(data_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No form curation file (--data/data_file) accessible at " + data_file) filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data_file))[0] source = filename category = args["--category"] tool = args["--tool"] if args["--template_new_rxn"]: output = args["--template_new_rxn"] template_new_rxn(output) elif args["--template_add_delete_rxn"]: output = args["--template_add_delete_rxn"] template_add_delete(output) else: padmetSpec = PadmetSpec(args["--padmetSpec"]) if not output: output = args["--padmetSpec"] if args["--padmetRef"]: padmetRef = PadmetRef(args["--padmetRef"]) else: padmetRef = None to_do = sniff_datafile(data_file) if to_do == "rxn_creator": rxn_creator(data_file, padmetSpec, output, padmetRef, source, tool, category, verbose) elif to_do == "add_delete_rxn": add_delete_rxn(data_file, padmetSpec, output, padmetRef, source, tool, category, verbose)
[docs] def sniff_datafile(data_file): """ Read data_file and check which kind of data input it is. A reaction_creator file contains only 2 columns. Add reaction_add_delete more than 2. Basic, need to be improved. Parameters ---------- data_file: str path to file of reaction_creator or reaction_add_delete. Returns ------- str: "rxn_creator" or "add_delete_rxn" """ with open(data_file, 'r') as csvfile: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff( reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect) header = next(reader) if len(header) == 2: to_do = "rxn_creator" elif len(header) > 2: to_do = "add_delete_rxn" else: raise TypeError("Unable to read the file") return to_do
[docs] def rxn_creator(data_file, padmetSpec, output, padmetRef=None, source=None, tool=None, category="MANUAL", verbose=False): """ Read a data_file (form created with template_new_rxn and filed), for each reaction to create, add the reaction in padmetSpec (only if the id of the reaction is not already in padmetSpec or in padmetRef if given) the source ensure the traceability of the reaction, its a simple tag ex 'pathway_XX_update' if not given the filename of data_file will be used. if a tool was used to infer the reaction, define tool='name_of_the_tool' the Padmet of reference padmetRef can be used to check that the reaction id is not already in the database and copy information from the database for existing compounds strongly recommended to give a padmetRef. Parameters ---------- data_file: str path to file based on template_new_rxn() padmetSpec: padmet.classes.PadmetSpec padmet to update output: str path to the new padmet file source: str tag associated to the new reactions to create and add, used for traceability tool: str The eventual tool used to infer the reactions to create and add category: str The default category of the reaction added manually is 'MANUAL'. Must not be changed. padmetRef: padmet.classes.PadmetRef padmet containing the database of reference verbose: bool if True print information """ if not source: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data_file))[0] source = filename source = source.upper() if tool: tool = tool.upper() if not category: category = "MANUAL" dict_data = {} with open(data_file, 'r') as f: all_read = sep = csv.Sniffer().sniff(all_read).delimiter data = (line for line in all_read.splitlines() if len(line) != 0 and not line.startswith("#")) for line in data: #if len of value is 0 then TypeError raised try: attrib, value = line.split(sep) except TypeError: continue attrib = attrib.replace(" ", "") if attrib == "reaction_id": current_id = value dict_data[current_id] = {} else: try: dict_data[current_id][attrib] .append(value) except KeyError: dict_data[current_id][attrib] = [value] if verbose: print("%s reactions to add" %len(list(dict_data.keys()))) for reaction_id, reaction_data in dict_data.items(): if verbose: print("check if the id %s is already used" %reaction_id) if reaction_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()): print("the id : %s is already associated to an other reaction in padmetSpec, choose an other" %reaction_id) continue if padmetRef is not None and reaction_id in list(padmetRef.dicOfNode.keys()): print("the id : %s is already associated to an other reaction in padmetRef, choose an other" %reaction_id) continue if verbose: print("Adding reaction %s" %reaction_id) reaction_rev = reaction_data["reversible"][0].lower() if reaction_rev.upper() == "TRUE": reaction_rev = "REVERSIBLE" elif reaction_rev.upper() == "FALSE": reaction_rev = "LEFT-TO-RIGHT" else: print("Please choose a value in ['true','false'] for the reversibility of the reaction: %s" %reaction_id) continue comment = reaction_data["comment"] node_misc = {"DIRECTION":[reaction_rev]} padmetSpec.createNode("reaction", reaction_id, node_misc) #reconstructionData: if tool: reconstructionData_id = reaction_id+"_reconstructionData_"+tool reconstructionData = {"SOURCE": [source], "CATEGORY":[category], "TOOL":[tool], "COMMENT":comment} if reconstructionData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source %s" %(reaction_id, tool)) else: reconstructionData_id = reaction_id+"_reconstructionData_MANUAL" reconstructionData = {"SOURCE": [source], "CATEGORY":["MANUAL"], "COMMENT":comment} if reconstructionData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source 'MANUAL'" %reaction_id) reconstructionData_rlt = Relation(reaction_id, "has_reconstructionData", reconstructionData_id) padmetSpec.createNode("reconstructionData", reconstructionData_id, reconstructionData, [reconstructionData_rlt]) genes_assoc = reaction_data["linked_gene"][0] if genes_assoc: #suppData: if tool: suppData_id = reaction_id+"_SuppData_"+tool if suppData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source %s" %(reaction_id, tool)) else: suppData_id = reaction_id+"_SuppData_MANUAL" if suppData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source 'MANUAL'" %reaction_id) suppData = {"GENE_ASSOCIATION":[genes_assoc]} #create the node suppData and the relation has_suppData suppData_rlt = Relation(reaction_id, "has_suppData", suppData_id) padmetSpec.createNode("suppData", suppData_id, suppData, [suppData_rlt]) all_genes = parseGeneAssoc(genes_assoc) nbGenes = len(all_genes) if verbose: print("%s is linked to %s genes" %(reaction_id, nbGenes)) for gene_id in all_genes: try: #check if gene already in the padmet padmetSpec.dicOfNode[gene_id] except KeyError: padmetSpec.createNode("gene", gene_id) #check if rxn already linked to gene x try: linked_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[reaction_id] if rlt.type == "is_linked_to" and rlt.id_out == gene_id][0] #rxn already linked to gene x, update misc try: linked_rlt.misc["SOURCE:ASSIGNMENT"].append(source) except KeyError: linked_rlt.misc["SOURCE:ASSIGNMENT"] = [source] #rxn not linked to gene x except IndexError: linked_rlt = Relation(reaction_id, "is_linked_to", gene_id, {"SOURCE:ASSIGNMENT":[source]}) padmetSpec._addRelation(linked_rlt) if verbose: print("check if all metabolites are already in the network") try: for reactant_data in reaction_data["reactant"]: stoechio, metabo_id, compart = reactant_data.split(":") stoechio = stoechio.replace(",", ".") #in case comma for sep try: padmetSpec.dicOfNode[metabo_id] except KeyError: if verbose: print("%s not in the network" %metabo_id) try: if padmetRef is not None: if verbose: print("Try to copy from dbref") padmetSpec._copyNodeExtend(padmetRef, metabo_id) else: raise KeyError except KeyError: if padmetRef is not None and verbose: print("%s not in the padmetRef" %metabo_id) if verbose: print("creating a new compound") padmetSpec.createNode("compound", metabo_id) if verbose: print(("new compound created: id = %s" %metabo_id)) rlt = Relation(reaction_id, "consumes", metabo_id) rlt.misc.update({"STOICHIOMETRY":[stoechio], "COMPARTMENT":[compart]}) padmetSpec._addRelation(rlt) except KeyError: if verbose: print("No reactants defined") try: for product_data in reaction_data["product"]: stoechio, metabo_id, compart = product_data.split(":") stoechio = stoechio.replace(",", ".") #in case comma for sep try: padmetSpec.dicOfNode[metabo_id] except KeyError: if verbose: print("%s not in the network" %metabo_id) try: if padmetRef is not None: if verbose: print("Try to copy from dbref") padmetSpec._copyNodeExtend(padmetRef, metabo_id) else: raise KeyError except KeyError: if padmetRef is not None and verbose: print("%s not in the padmetRef" %metabo_id) if verbose: print("creating a new compound") padmetSpec.createNode("compound", metabo_id) print("new compound created: id = %s" % metabo_id) rlt = Relation(reaction_id, "produces", metabo_id) rlt.misc.update({"STOICHIOMETRY":[stoechio], "COMPARTMENT":[compart]}) padmetSpec._addRelation(rlt) except KeyError: if verbose: print("No products defined") if "pathway" in reaction_data.keys(): pathways = reaction_data["pathway"][0].split(";") for pwy_id in pathways: try: padmetSpec.dicOfNode[pwy_id] except KeyError: if verbose: print("%s not in the network" %pwy_id) if padmetRef is not None: if verbose: print("Check if new pathway %s is in dbref" %pwy_id) if pwy_id in padmetRef.dicOfNode.keys(): print("Warning the new pathway %s exist in the dbref, risk of overwritting data, change pwy id" %pwy_id) continue padmetSpec.createNode("pathway", pwy_id) if verbose: print(("new pathway created: id = %s" %pwy_id)) rlt = Relation(reaction_id, "is_in_pathway", pwy_id) padmetSpec._addRelation(rlt) if verbose: print("Creating output: %s" % output) padmetSpec.generateFile(output)
[docs] def add_delete_rxn(data_file, padmetSpec, output, padmetRef=None, source=None, tool=None, category="MANUAL", verbose=False): """ Read a data_file (form created with template_add_delete and filed), for each reaction if column 'Action' == 'add': add the reaction from padmetRef to padmetSpec. elif column 'Action' == 'delete': remove the reaction Can't add a reaction without a padmetRef ! the source ensure the traceability of the reaction, its a simple tag ex 'pathway_XX_update' if not given the filename of data_file will be used. if a tool was used to infer the reaction, define tool='name_of_the_tool' Parameters ---------- data_file: str path to file based on template_new_rxn() padmetSpec: padmet.classes.PadmetSpec padmet to update padmetRef: padmet.classes.PadmetRef padmet containing the database of reference output: str path to the new padmet file source: str tag associated to the new reactions to create and add, used for traceability tool: str The eventual tool used to infer the reactions to create and add category: str The default category of the reaction added manually is 'MANUAL'. Must not be changed. verbose: bool if True print information """ if not source: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data_file))[0] source = filename source = source.upper() if tool: tool = tool.upper() if not category: category = "MANUAL" with open(data_file, 'r') as csvfile: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff( reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect) file_name = os.path.basename(data_file) file_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=dialect.delimiter) for row in reader: element_id, comment, action, genes_assoc = row["idRef"], row["Comment"], row["Action"], row.get("Genes", None) if action.upper() == "ADD": if padmetRef is None: if verbose: print("No given padmetRef, unable to copy %s" %element_id) else: if verbose: print("Adding: %s" %(element_id)) padmetSpec.copyNode(padmetRef, element_id) #reconstructionData: if tool: reconstructionData_id = element_id+"_reconstructionData_"+tool reconstructionData = {"SOURCE": [source], "CATEGORY":[category], "TOOL":[tool], "COMMENT":[comment]} if reconstructionData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source %s" %(element_id, tool)) else: reconstructionData_id = element_id+"_reconstructionData_MANUAL" reconstructionData = {"SOURCE": [source], "CATEGORY":["MANUAL"], "COMMENT":[comment]} if reconstructionData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source 'MANUAL'" %element_id) reconstructionData_rlt = Relation(element_id, "has_reconstructionData", reconstructionData_id) padmetSpec.createNode("reconstructionData", reconstructionData_id, reconstructionData, [reconstructionData_rlt]) if genes_assoc: #suppData: if tool: suppData_id = element_id+"_SuppData_"+tool if suppData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source %s" %(element_id, tool)) else: suppData_id = element_id+"_SuppData_MANUAL" if suppData_id in list(padmetSpec.dicOfNode.keys()) and verbose: print("Warning: The reaction %s seems to be already added from the same source 'MANUAL'" %element_id) suppData = {"GENE_ASSOCIATION":[genes_assoc]} #create the node suppData and the relation has_suppData suppData_rlt = Relation(element_id, "has_suppData", suppData_id) padmetSpec.createNode("suppData", suppData_id, suppData, [suppData_rlt]) all_genes = parseGeneAssoc(genes_assoc) nbGenes = len(all_genes) if verbose: print("%s is linked to %s genes" %(element_id, nbGenes)) for gene_id in all_genes: try: #check if gene already in the padmet padmetSpec.dicOfNode[gene_id] except KeyError: padmetSpec.createNode("gene", gene_id) #check if rxn already linked to gene x try: linked_rlt = [rlt for rlt in padmetSpec.dicOfRelationIn[element_id] if rlt.type == "is_linked_to" and rlt.id_out == gene_id][0] #rxn already linked to gene x, update misc try: linked_rlt.misc["SOURCE:ASSIGNMENT"].append(source) except KeyError: linked_rlt.misc["SOURCE:ASSIGNMENT"] = [source] #rxn not linked to gene x except IndexError: linked_rlt = Relation(element_id, "is_linked_to", gene_id, {"SOURCE:ASSIGNMENT":[source]}) padmetSpec._addRelation(linked_rlt) elif action.upper() == "DELETE": if verbose: print("deleting: %s" %(element_id)) padmetSpec.delNode(element_id) elif action == "": print("Nothing to do for: %s" %(element_id)) else: print("Action: %s unknown for %s" %(action, element_id)) print("action must be = 'add' or 'delete' or ''") exit() padmetSpec.generateFile(output)
[docs] def template_new_rxn(output): """ Generate template file used as input of rxn_creator function Parameters ---------- output: str path for the template new_rxn to create """ with open(output, 'w') as f: line = "\t".join(["reaction_id", "my_rxn"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["comment", "reaction added for X reason"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["reversible", "false"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["linked_gene", "(gene_a or gene_b) and gene_c"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["#reactant/product", "#stoichio:compound_id:compart"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["reactant", "1.0:compound_a:c"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["reactant", "2.0:compound_b:c"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["product", "1.0:compound_c:c"])+"\n" f.write(line) f.write("\n") line = "\t".join(["reaction_id", "my_rxn_2"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["comment", "reaction added for X reason"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["reversible", "true"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["linked_gene", ""])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["#reactant/product", "#stoichio:compound_id:compart"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["reactant", "1.0:compound_a:c"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["reactant", "2.0:compound_d:c"])+"\n" f.write(line) line = "\t".join(["product", "1.0:compound_c:c"])+"\n" f.write(line)
[docs] def template_add_delete(output): """ Generate template file used as input of add_delete_rxn function Parameters ---------- output: str path for the template rxn_add_delete to create """ with open(output, 'w') as csvfile: fieldnames = ["idRef", "Comment", "Action", "Genes"] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter="\t") writer.writeheader() writer.writerow({"idRef": 'rxn_id_1', 'Comment': 'Reaction deleted for x reason', "Genes":"", "Action":"delete"}) writer.writerow({"idRef": 'rxn_id_2', 'Comment': 'Reaction added for x reason', "Genes":"(gene1 and gene2)", "Action":"add"}) writer.writerow({"idRef": 'rxn_id_3', 'Comment': 'Reaction added for x reason', "Genes":"", "Action":"add"})