Source code for padmet.utils.exploration.get_pwy_from_rxn

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    From a file containing a list of reaction, return the pathways where these reactions 
    are involved.
    ex: if rxn-a in pwy-x => return, pwy-x; all rxn ids in pwy-x; all rxn ids in pwy-x FROM the list; ratio


        padmet get_pwy_from_rxn --reaction_file=FILE --padmetRef=FILE  --output=FILE

        -h --help     Show help.
        --reaction_file=FILE    pathname of the file containing the reactions id, 1/line 
        --padmetRef=FILE    pathname of the padmet representing the database.
        --output=FILE    pathname of the file with line = pathway id, all reactions id, reactions ids from reaction file, ratio. sep = "\t"
import csv
import docopt
import os

from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def get_pwy_from_rxn_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) reaction_file = args["--reaction_file"] padmet_file = args["--padmetRef"] output = args["--output"] padmet = PadmetSpec(padmet_file) get_pwy_from_rxn(padmet, reaction_file, output)
[docs] def get_pwy_from_rxn(padmet, reaction_file, output): if not os.path.exists(reaction_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No reaction file accessible at " + reaction_file) with open(reaction_file, 'r') as f: reactions = set( dict_pwy = extract_pwys(padmet, reactions) dict_pwys_to_file(dict_pwy, output)
[docs] def extract_pwys(padmet, reactions): """ #extract from padmet pathways containing 1-n reactions from a set of reactions 'reactions' Return a dict of data. dict, k=pathway_id, v=dict: k in [total_rxn, rxn_from_list, ratio ex: {pwy-x:{'total_rxn':[a,b,c], rxn_from_list:[a], ratio:1/3}} Parameters ---------- padmet: padmet.classes.PadmetSpec padmet to udpate reactions: set set of reactions to match with pathways Returns ------- dict: dict, k=pathway_id, v=dict: k in [total_rxn, rxn_from_list, ratio ex: {pwy-x:{'total_rxn':[a,b,c], rxn_from_list:[a], ratio:1/3}} """ dict_pwy = {} pwys_id = [ for node in padmet.dicOfNode.values() if node.type == "pathway"] for pwy_id in pwys_id: rxn_in_pwy = set([rlt.id_in for rlt in padmet.dicOfRelationOut[pwy_id] if rlt.type == "is_in_pathway" and padmet.dicOfNode[rlt.id_in].type == "reaction"]) rxn_from_list = reactions.intersection(rxn_in_pwy) if rxn_from_list: ratio = round(float(len(rxn_from_list))/float(len(rxn_in_pwy)),2) dict_pwy[pwy_id] = {'total_rxn': rxn_in_pwy, 'rxn_from_list': rxn_from_list, 'ratio': ratio} return dict_pwy
[docs] def dict_pwys_to_file(dict_pwy, output): """ Create csv file from dict_pwy. dict_pwy is obtained with extract_pwys() Parameters ---------- dict_pwy: dict dict, k=pathway_id, v=dict: k in [total_rxn, rxn_from_list, ratio ex: {pwy-x:{'total_rxn':[a,b,c], rxn_from_list:[a], ratio:1/3}} output: str path to output file """ with open(output, 'w') as output_file: csvwriter = csv.writer(output_file, delimiter='\t') header = ["pathway_id","total_rxn","rxn_from_list","ratio"] csvwriter.writerow(header) for pwy_id, pwy_data in dict_pwy.items(): total_rxn = pwy_data['total_rxn'] rxn_from_list = pwy_data['rxn_from_list'] ratio = pwy_data['ratio'] line = [pwy_id, ";".join(total_rxn), ";".join(rxn_from_list),str(ratio)] csvwriter.writerow(line)