Source code for padmet.utils.exploration.dendrogram_reactions_distance

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Use reactions.tsv file from to create a dendrogram using a Jaccard distance.
    From the matrix absence/presence of reactions in different species computes a Jaccard distance between these species.
    Apply a hierarchical clustering on these data with a complete linkage. Then create a dendrogram.
    Apply also intervene to create an upset graph on the data.


        padmet dendrogram_reactions_distance --reactions=FILE --output=FOLDER [--padmetRef=STR] [--pvclust] [--upset=INT] [-v]

        -h --help    Show help.
        --reactions=FILE    pathname of the file containing reactions in each species of the comparison.
        --output=FOLDER    path to the output folder.
        --pvclust    launch pvclust dendrogram using R
        --padmetRef=STR    path to the padmet Ref file
        -u --upset=INT    number of cluster in the upset graph.
        -v    verbose mode.

import csv
import docopt
import pandas as pa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import seaborn as sns
import subprocess

sns.set('poster', rc={'figure.figsize':(150,140), 'lines.linewidth': 10}, font_scale=4)

from collections import defaultdict
from lxml import etree
from padmet.classes import PadmetRef
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, fcluster, linkage, to_tree
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from supervenn import supervenn

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def dendrogram_reactions_distance_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) reaction_pathname = args['--reactions'] upset_cluster = int(args['--upset']) if args['--upset'] else None output_pathname = args['--output'] padmet_ref_file = args['--padmetRef'] pvclust = args['--pvclust'] #verbose = args['-v'] reaction_figure_creation(reaction_pathname, output_pathname, upset_cluster, padmet_ref_file, pvclust)
[docs] def pvclust_dendrogram(reactions_dataframe, organisms, output_folder): """ Using a distance matrix, pvclust R package (with rpy2 package) create a dendrogram with bootstrap values. Parameters ---------- reactions_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame Reactions absence/presence matrix organisms: list organisms names output_folder: str path to the output folder """ from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri pvclust = importr("pvclust") grdevices = importr('grDevices') ape = importr('ape') # Make pandas dataframe compatible with R dataframe. pandas2ri.activate() # Launch pvclust on the data silently and in parallel. result = pvclust.pvclust(reactions_dataframe, method_dist="binary", method_hclust="complete", nboot=10000, quiet=True, parallel=True) # Create the dendrogram picture. grdevices.png(file=output_folder+"/"+"pvclust_reaction_dendrogram.png", width=2048, height=2048, pointsize=24) pvclust.plot_pvclust(result) grdevices.dev_off() # Dendrogram to newick hclust_result = result.rx2("hclust") phylo_result = ape.as_phylo(hclust_result) ape.write_tree(phylo_result, file=output_folder+"/"+"dendrogram.nwk", tree_names=True, digits=2)
[docs] def create_pvclust_dendrogram(reaction_file, output_folder): # Check if output_folder exists, if not create it. if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.mkdir(output_folder) # Read the reactions file with pandas. all_reactions_dataframe = pa.read_csv(reaction_file, sep='\t') # Keep column containing absence-presence of reactions. # (columns with (sep=;) are column with gene name linked to reactions) # (columns with _formula contain the reaction formula) columns = [column for column in all_reactions_dataframe.columns if '(sep=;)' not in column] columns = [column for column in columns if '_formula' not in column] reactions_dataframe = all_reactions_dataframe[columns].copy() reactions_dataframe.set_index('reaction', inplace=True) # Extract organisms. organisms = reactions_dataframe.index.tolist() # Create pvclust dendrogram. pvclust_dendrogram(reactions_dataframe, organisms, output_folder)
[docs] def hclust_to_xml(linkage_matrix): """ Using a distance matrix from scipy linkage, create a xml tree corresponding to the hierarchical clustering. Return the root of the tree. Parameters ---------- linkage_matrix: ndarray linkage matrix Returns ------- root: root of the xml tree """ _, node_list = to_tree(linkage_matrix, rd=True) len_longest_cluster_id = len(str(max([ for node in node_list]))) parent_nodes = {} # Create an xml tree from the dendrogram with all the node. # Begin by the last cluster (containing all the other cluster). # Check child of the cluster to keep the hierarchy. for index, node in enumerate(reversed(node_list)): if index == 0: root = etree.Element('cluster_' + str( if node.get_left(): parent_nodes[node.get_left().id] = root if node.get_right(): parent_nodes[node.get_right().id] = root else: subroot = etree.SubElement(parent_nodes[], 'cluster_' + str( if node.get_left(): parent_nodes[node.get_left().id] = subroot if node.get_right(): parent_nodes[node.get_right().id] = subroot return root
[docs] def create_intersection_files(root, cluster_leaf_species, reactions_dataframe, output_folder_tree_cluster, metacyc_to_ecs): """ Create intersection files. Parameters ---------- root: root root of the xml tree cluster_leaf_species: dictionary for each leaf give the organisms in it reactions_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing absence/presence of reactions in organism output_folder_tree_cluster: str path to the output folder metacyc_to_ecs: dictionary mapping of metayc reaction to EC number Returns ------- reactions_clust: dictionary reactions in each cluster of the tree """ # Extract reactions using XML Tree. cluster_folder_name = {} reactions_clust = {} for element in root.iter(): folder_name = element.tag intersect_ancestor_reactions = [] ancestors = [] for ancestor in element.iterancestors(): ancestor_reactions = reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[cluster_leaf_species[ancestor.tag]].all(1)==True] intersect_ancestor_reactions.extend(ancestor_reactions.index.tolist()) ancestors.append(ancestor.tag) element_reactions = reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[cluster_leaf_species[element.tag]].all(1)==True] # Option to select only reactions present in our subgroup and not in other species. #element_reactions = element_reactions[element_reactions[list(set(reactions_dataframe.columns.tolist()) - set(cluster_leaf_species[element.tag]))].any(1)==False] intersect_element_reactions = element_reactions.index.tolist() only_intersect_element = list(set(intersect_element_reactions) - set(intersect_ancestor_reactions)) for reaction in only_intersect_element: if reaction not in cluster_folder_name: cluster_folder_name[reaction] = [folder_name] else: cluster_folder_name[reaction].append(folder_name) tmp_reactions_dataframe = reactions_dataframe.loc[only_intersect_element] folder_path = '/'.join(reversed(ancestors)) if not os.path.isdir(output_folder_tree_cluster + folder_path + '/' + element.tag): os.mkdir(output_folder_tree_cluster + folder_path + '/' + element.tag) if metacyc_to_ecs: tmp_reactions_dataframe['EC'] = [','.join(metacyc_to_ecs[reaction]) if reaction in metacyc_to_ecs else np.nan for reaction in tmp_reactions_dataframe.index] tmp_reactions_dataframe.to_csv(output_folder_tree_cluster + folder_path + '/' + folder_name + '/' + folder_name + '.tsv', sep='\t') reactions_clust[element.tag] = tmp_reactions_dataframe.index.tolist() reactions_dataframe['cluster'] = [','.join(cluster_folder_name[reaction]) if reaction in cluster_folder_name else 'no_cluster' for reaction in reactions_dataframe.index] if metacyc_to_ecs: reactions_dataframe['EC'] = [','.join(metacyc_to_ecs[reaction]) if reaction in metacyc_to_ecs else np.nan for reaction in reactions_dataframe.index] for column in reactions_dataframe.columns.tolist(): reactions_dataframe[column].replace(True, 1, inplace=True) reactions_dataframe[column].replace(False, 0, inplace=True) reactions_dataframe.to_csv(output_folder_tree_cluster + 'reaction_cluster.tsv', sep='\t') return reactions_clust
[docs] def create_cluster(reactions_dataframe, absence_presence_matrix, linkage_matrix): """ Cut the dendrogram to create clusters. Parameters ---------- reactions_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing absence/presence of reactions in organism absence_presence_matrix: pandas.DataFrame transposition of the reactions dataframe linkage_matrix: ndarray linkage matrix Returns ------- dendrogram_fclusters: dictionary {number used to split the linkage matrix: ndarray with the corresponding clusters} """ species_number = len(reactions_dataframe.columns) # Extract Dendrogram information using fcluster. dendrogram_fclusters = {} for i in range(species_number): results = fcluster(linkage_matrix, i, criterion='maxclust') dendrogram_fclusters[i] = results return dendrogram_fclusters
[docs] def create_supervenn(absence_presence_matrix, reactions_dataframe, output_folder_upset, dendrogram_fclusters, k, verbose=False): """ Create an supervenn graph. Parameters ---------- absence_presence_matrix: pandas.DataFrame transposition of the reactions dataframe reactions_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing absence/presence of reactions in organism output_folder_upset: str path to output folder dendrogram_fclusters: dictionary {number used to split the linkage matrix: ndarray with the corresponding clusters} k: int number of cluster to create """ if k < 2: print('supervenn needs at least 2 clusters to work.') return # Extract species in each cluster. results = dendrogram_fclusters[k] species = absence_presence_matrix.index.tolist() cluster_species = dict(zip(species, results)) cluster_classes = defaultdict(list) for key, value in cluster_species.items(): cluster_classes[value].append(key) # For each group, extract the reactions present in its species to create supervenn sets. supervenn_sets = [] supervenn_labels = [] for cluster in cluster_classes: reactions_temp = [] for species in cluster_classes[cluster]: species_reactions_dataframe = reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[species] == True] reactions_temp.extend(species_reactions_dataframe.index.tolist()) supervenn_sets.append(set(reactions_temp)) supervenn_labels.append(cluster) supervenn(supervenn_sets, supervenn_labels, sets_ordering='minimize gaps') plt.savefig(output_folder_upset + '/supervenn.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() return
[docs] def create_intervene_graph(absence_presence_matrix, reactions_dataframe, temp_data_folder, path_to_intervene, output_folder_upset, dendrogram_fclusters, k, verbose=False): """ Create an upset graph. Deprecated function, no we use supervenn look at create_supervenn function. Parameters ---------- absence_presence_matrix: pandas.DataFrame transposition of the reactions dataframe reactions_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing absence/presence of reactions in organism temp_data_folder: str temporary data folder path_to_intervene: str path to intervene bin output_folder_upset: str path to output folder dendrogram_fclusters: dictionary {number used to split the linkage matrix: ndarray with the corresponding clusters} k: int number of cluster to create """ if k < 2: print('intervene needs at least 2 clusters to work.') return # Extract species in each cluster. results = dendrogram_fclusters[k] species = absence_presence_matrix.index.tolist() cluster_species = dict(zip(species, results)) cluster_classes = defaultdict(list) for key, value in cluster_species.items(): cluster_classes[value].append(key) # Extract reactions in each cluster. cluster_reactions = {} for cluster in cluster_classes: reactions_temp = [] for species in cluster_classes[cluster]: species_reactions_dataframe = reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[species] == True] reactions_temp.extend(species_reactions_dataframe.index.tolist()) cluster_reactions[cluster] = set(reactions_temp) # Create data for creating upset graph using intervene. n = 0 folder_names = {} for cluster in cluster_classes: cluster_name = 'upset_cluster_' + str(n) df = pa.DataFrame({cluster_name: list(cluster_reactions[cluster])}) df.to_csv(temp_data_folder+'/'+cluster_name+'.tsv', sep='\t', index=None, header=None) folder_names[cluster_name] = '_'.join(cluster_classes[cluster]) n += 1 df_cluster_name = pa.DataFrame.from_dict(folder_names, orient='index') df_cluster_name.reset_index(inplace=True) df_cluster_name.columns = ['species', 'cluster'] df_cluster_name.to_csv(output_folder_upset+'/cluster_name.tsv', sep='\t', index=None) cmd = '{0} upset -i {1}/*.tsv --type list -o {2} --figtype svg'.format(path_to_intervene, temp_data_folder, output_folder_upset) if verbose:, shell=True) else: FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w'), shell=True, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return
[docs] def add_dendrogram_node_label(reaction_dendrogram, node_list, reactions_clust, len_longest_cluster_id): """ Using cluster nodes, add label and reactions number on each node of the dendrogram. This function comes from this answer on stackoverflow: Parameters ---------- reactions_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing absence/presence of reactions in organism node_list: list cluster nodes reactions_clust: dictionary reactions in each cluster of the tree len_longest_cluster_id: int reactions in each cluster of the tree """ # Add intersection information to dendrogram. # Extract coords from dendrogram. # Get leave coordinates, which are at y == 0 Xcoords = [item for sublist in reaction_dendrogram['icoord'] for item in sublist] Ycoords = [item for sublist in reaction_dendrogram['dcoord'] for item in sublist] leave_coords = [(x,y) for x,y in zip(Xcoords,Ycoords) if y==0] # Map leave ID and coords. # In the dendogram data structure, # leave ids are listed in ascending order according to their x-coordinate order = np.argsort([x for x,y in leave_coords]) id_to_coord = dict(zip(reaction_dendrogram['leaves'], [leave_coords[idx] for idx in order])) # Map endpoint of each link to coordinates of parent node. # From two childs, compute the parent coords. # dendrogram['icoord'] contains 4 x coordinates for U-shape segment. # dendrogram['dcoord'] contains 4 y coordinates for U-shape segment. # Each 4 couples of x[i]y[i] corresponds to a point in the U-shape segment: # y axis # | parent # | x1y1___|___x2y2 # | | | # | | | # | | | # | x0y0 x3y3 # ------------------ x axis # Using x1 and x2 we can compute the center of the segment, which corresponds to x coord of the parent node. # Using y1 or y2, we have the y coordinates of the parent node. children_to_parent_coords = dict() for xcoords, ycoords in zip(reaction_dendrogram['icoord'], reaction_dendrogram['dcoord']): xparent_coord = (xcoords[1] + xcoords[2]) / 2 yparent_coord = ycoords[1] parent_coord = (xparent_coord, yparent_coord) left_coord = (xcoords[0], ycoords[0]) right_coord = (xcoords[3], ycoords[3]) children_to_parent_coords[(left_coord, right_coord)] = parent_coord if all((coord[1]==0 for coords in list(children_to_parent_coords.keys()) for coord in coords)) and all((coords[1]==0 for coords in list(children_to_parent_coords.values()))): return None # Create a range from the latest leaves to the higher node. ids_left = range(len(reaction_dendrogram['leaves']), len(node_list)) # Iterate on all the nodes. # Using children (leaves), retrieve the coords of parent (nodes). # Until all nodes have coords. while len(ids_left) > 0: for node_id in ids_left: node = node_list[node_id] if ( in id_to_coord) and ( in id_to_coord): left_coord = id_to_coord[] right_coord = id_to_coord[] id_to_coord[node_id] = children_to_parent_coords[(left_coord, right_coord)] ids_left = [node_id for node_id in range(len(node_list)) if not node_id in id_to_coord] # For each node, add the corresponding cluster name and the number of reactions. for node_id, (x, y) in id_to_coord.items(): if not node_list[node_id].is_leaf(): plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') node_label = str(node_id) + ' (' + str(len(reactions_clust['cluster_'+str(node_id).zfill(len_longest_cluster_id)])) + ')' plt.annotate(node_label, (x, y), xytext=(0, -8), textcoords='offset points', va='top', ha='center') return True
[docs] def comparison_cluster(reactions_clust, output_folder_comparison): """ Compare all cluster one against another. Parameters ---------- reactions_clust: dictionary reactions in each cluster of the tree output_folder_comparison: str path to output folder """ import itertools for cluster_1, cluster_2 in itertools.permutations(reactions_clust, 2): test = open(output_folder_comparison + cluster_1 + '_vs_' + cluster_2, 'w') test.write(str(set(reactions_clust[cluster_1]) - set(reactions_clust[cluster_2]))) test.close()
[docs] def getNewick(node, newick, parentdist, leaf_names): """ Create a newick file from the root node of the dendrogram. This function comes from this answer on stackoverflow: Parameters ---------- node: scipy.cluster.hierarchy.ClusterNode root ClusterNode of the scipy tree newick: str newick string parentdist: str root ClusterNode distance from the linkage matrix leaf_names: list list of organism names """ if node.is_leaf(): return "%s:%.2f%s" % (leaf_names[], parentdist - node.dist, newick) else: if len(newick) > 0: newick = "):%.2f%s" % (parentdist - node.dist, newick) else: newick = ");" newick = getNewick(node.get_left(), newick, node.dist, leaf_names) newick = getNewick(node.get_right(), ",%s" % (newick), node.dist, leaf_names) newick = "(%s" % (newick) return newick
[docs] def absent_and_specific_reactions(reactions_dataframe, output_folder_tree_cluster, output_folder_specific, output_folder_absent, organisms): """ Compare all cluster one against another. Parameters ---------- reactions_dataframe: pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing absence/presence of reactions in organism output_folder_tree_cluster: str path to output tree cluster folder output_folder_specific: str path to output folder with specific reactions for each species output_folder_absent: str path to output folder with absent reactions for each species organisms: list organisms names """ specific_file = output_folder_tree_cluster + 'absent_specific_reactions.tsv' specific_output = open(specific_file, 'w') specific_writer = csv.writer(specific_output, delimiter='\t') specific_writer.writerow(['Organism', 'NB reactions', 'Unique reactions', 'Absent reactions']) for species in sorted(organisms): reactions_in_species = set(reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[species]==True].index.tolist()) reactions_absent_in_others = set(reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[list(set(organisms)-{species})].any(1)==False].index.tolist()) reactions_only_in_species = list(reactions_in_species.intersection(reactions_absent_in_others)) tmp_reactions_dataframe = reactions_dataframe.loc[reactions_only_in_species] tmp_reactions_dataframe.to_csv(output_folder_specific+species+'.tsv', sep='\t') reactions_not_in_species = set(reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[species]==False].index.tolist()) reactions_in_others = set(reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[list(set(organisms)-{species})].all(1)==True].index.tolist()) reactions_only_not_in_species = list(reactions_not_in_species.intersection(reactions_in_others)) tmp_reactions_dataframe = reactions_dataframe.loc[reactions_only_not_in_species] tmp_reactions_dataframe.to_csv(output_folder_absent+species+'.tsv', sep='\t') specific_writer.writerow([species, len(reactions_in_species), len(list(reactions_in_species.intersection(reactions_absent_in_others))), len(list(reactions_not_in_species.intersection(reactions_in_others)))]) specific_output.close()
[docs] def reaction_figure_creation(reaction_file, output_folder, upset_cluster=None, padmetRef_file=None, pvclust=None, verbose=False): """ Create dendrogram, upset figure (if upset argument) and compare reactiosn in species. Parameters ---------- reaction_file: str path to reaction file upset_cluster: int the number of cluster you want in the intervene figure output_folder: str path to output folder padmet_ref_file: str path to padmet ref file pvclust: bool boolean to launch or not R pvclust dendrogram """ # Check if output_folder exists, if not create it. output_folder_tree_cluster = output_folder + '/tree_cluster/' output_folder_comparison = output_folder + '/tree_cluster/comparison_cluster/' output_folder_specific = output_folder_tree_cluster + 'specific_reactions/' output_folder_absent = output_folder_tree_cluster + 'absent_reactions/' if upset_cluster: output_folder_upset = output_folder + '/upset_graph' temp_data_folder = output_folder + '/upset_graph/temp_data/' folders = [output_folder, output_folder_tree_cluster, output_folder_comparison, output_folder_specific, output_folder_absent, output_folder_upset, temp_data_folder] else: folders = [output_folder, output_folder_tree_cluster, output_folder_comparison, output_folder_specific, output_folder_absent] for folder in folders: if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.mkdir(folder) if not os.path.exists(reaction_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No reactions.tsv file accessible at " + reaction_file) # Read the reactions file with pandas. all_reactions_dataframe = pa.read_csv(reaction_file, sep='\t') # Keep column containing absence-presence of reactions. # (columns with (sep=;) are column with gene name linked to reactions) # (columns with _formula contain the reaction formula) columns = [column for column in all_reactions_dataframe.columns if '(sep=;)' not in column] columns = [column for column in columns if '_formula' not in column] reactions_dataframe = all_reactions_dataframe[columns].copy() reactions_dataframe.set_index('reaction', inplace=True) # Transpose the matrix to have species as index and reactions as columns. absence_presence_matrix = reactions_dataframe.transpose() # Compute a distance matrix using the Jaccard distance between species and condense it. condensed_distance_matrix_jaccard = pdist(absence_presence_matrix, metric='jaccard') # Hierarchical clustering on the condensed distance matrix. linkage_matrix = linkage(condensed_distance_matrix_jaccard, method='average', metric='jaccard') # Draw a dendrogram of the clustering. reaction_dendrogram = dendrogram(linkage_matrix, labels=absence_presence_matrix.index, leaf_font_size=100, leaf_rotation=90) # Extract organisms. organisms = absence_presence_matrix.index.tolist() # Create Newick tree tree = to_tree(linkage_matrix,False) newick_tree = getNewick(tree, "", tree.dist, organisms) newick_path = os.path.join(output_folder,'newick.txt') with open(newick_path, 'w') as f: f.write(newick_tree) # Specific reactions for each species. absent_and_specific_reactions(reactions_dataframe, output_folder_tree_cluster, output_folder_specific, output_folder_absent, organisms) if pvclust: pvclust_reactions_dataframe = all_reactions_dataframe[columns].copy() pvclust_reactions_dataframe.set_index('reaction', inplace=True) # Create pvclust dendrogram. pvclust_dendrogram(pvclust_reactions_dataframe, organisms, output_folder) # Extract all the nodes inside the clustering. _, node_list = to_tree(linkage_matrix, rd=True) if padmetRef_file: padmet_ref = PadmetRef(padmetRef_file) metacyc_to_ecs = { node.misc['EC-NUMBER'] for node in padmet_ref.dicOfNode.values() if node.type == "reaction" and 'EC-NUMBER' in node.misc} else: metacyc_to_ecs = {} # For each cluster, give the list of organisms in it. # Then write it in a file. len_longest_cluster_id = len(str(max([ for node in node_list]))) cluster_leaf_species = {} for node in node_list: node_leafs = node.pre_order(lambda child: organisms[] if child.is_leaf() else None) cluster_leaf_species['cluster_'+str(] = node_leafs species_clustered_df = pa.DataFrame(columns=organisms) for cluster_leaf in cluster_leaf_species: tmp_organism_cluster = [True if organism in cluster_leaf_species[cluster_leaf] else False for organism in species_clustered_df.columns] species_clustered_df.loc[cluster_leaf] = tmp_organism_cluster species_clustered_df = species_clustered_df.replace(np.nan, False) species_clustered_df.to_csv(output_folder_tree_cluster + 'clustered_species.tsv', sep='\t') # Create xml structure from hierarchical clustering. root = hclust_to_xml(linkage_matrix) # Post order traversal of the tree. d = {} for element in root.iter(): d[element.tag] = [child.tag for child in element] post_order_clusters = {} for node in node_list: node_label = 'cluster_'+str( if d[node_label] == []: species = cluster_leaf_species[node_label] tmp_reactions = reactions_dataframe[reactions_dataframe[species].all(1) == True] post_order_clusters[node_label] = tmp_reactions.index.tolist() else: if set(post_order_clusters[d[node_label][0]]).intersection(set(post_order_clusters[d[node_label][1]])) != set(): post_order_clusters[node_label] = set(post_order_clusters[d[node_label][0]]).intersection(set(post_order_clusters[d[node_label][1]])) else: post_order_clusters[node_label] = set(post_order_clusters[d[node_label][0]]).union(set(post_order_clusters[d[node_label][1]])) # Use xml structure to create intersection files. reactions_clust = create_intersection_files(root, cluster_leaf_species, reactions_dataframe, output_folder_tree_cluster, metacyc_to_ecs) comparison_cluster(reactions_clust, output_folder_comparison) # Add label contaning cluster name and reaction number to each node. check_label = add_dendrogram_node_label(reaction_dendrogram, node_list, reactions_clust, len_longest_cluster_id) if not check_label: print('Warning: no label for cluster name have been added.') # Create dendrogram, bbox option adjsut the figure size. plt.savefig(output_folder+'/reaction_dendrogram.png',bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() if upset_cluster: dendrogram_fclusters = create_cluster(reactions_dataframe, absence_presence_matrix, linkage_matrix) create_supervenn(absence_presence_matrix, reactions_dataframe, output_folder_upset, dendrogram_fclusters, k, verbose)