Source code for padmet.utils.exploration.compare_sbml

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    compare reactions in 1-n or 2 sbml.

    Returns if a reaction is missing

    And if a reaction with the same id is using different species or different reversibility


        padmet compare_sbml --sbml=FILES/DIR --output=DIR

        -h --help    Show help.
        --sbml FILES/DIR    pathname of the sbml files, sep all files by ',', ex: /path/sbml1.sbml;/path/sbml2.sbml OR a folder
        --output DIR    pathname of the output folder
import docopt
import csv
import os
import re

from import read_sbml_model
from padmet.utils.sbmlPlugin import convert_from_coded_id
from padmet.utils.gbr import compile_input

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def compare_sbml_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) sbml_path = args["--sbml"] output_folder = args["--output"] compare_multiple_sbml(sbml_path, output_folder)
[docs] def compare_multiple_sbml(sbml_path, output_folder): """ Compare 1-n sbml, create two output files reactions.tsv and metabolites.tsv with the reactions/metabolites in each sbml Parameters ---------- sbml_path: str path to a folder containing sbmls or multiple sbml paths separated by a ',' output_folder: str path to the output folder """ if not os.path.exists(output_folder): print("Creating %s" %output_folder) os.makedirs(output_folder) else: print("%s already exist, old comparison output folders will be overwritten" %output_folder) if os.path.isdir(sbml_path): if not os.path.exists(sbml_path): raise FileNotFoundError("No SBML directory (--sbml/sbml_path) accessible at " + sbml_path) all_files = [os.path.join(sbml_path, f) for f in next(os.walk(sbml_path))[2]] else: all_files = sbml_path.split(",") for sbml_file in all_files: if not os.path.exists(sbml_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No SBML file (--sbml/sbml_path) accessible at " + sbml_file) species_columns = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(all_file))[0] for all_file in sorted(all_files)] gene_columns = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(all_file))[0] + '_genes_assoc (sep=;)' for all_file in sorted(all_files)] all_reactions = {} all_compounds = [] reactions = {} compounds = {} for sbml_file in all_files: sbml_1 = read_sbml_model(sbml_file) reactions[sbml_file] = sbml_1.reactions for rxn in sbml_1.reactions: if not in all_reactions: all_reactions[] = rxn compounds[sbml_file] = [ for metabolite in sbml_1.metabolites] all_compounds.extend([ for metabolite in sbml_1.metabolites]) all_compounds = set(all_compounds) reaction_file = output_folder + '/reactions.tsv' reaction_file_rows = [] for reaction_id in all_reactions: reaction_presents = [] reaction_genes = [] row = [reaction_id] for sbml_file in sorted(all_files): if reaction_id in [ for rxn in reactions[sbml_file]]: reaction_presents.append(1) else: reaction_presents.append(0) if reaction_id in reactions[sbml_file]: species_reaction = reactions[sbml_file].get_by_id(reaction_id) if 'GENE_ASSOCIATION' in species_reaction.notes: ga_for_gbr = species_reaction.notes['GENE_ASSOCIATION'] ga_for_gbr = re.sub(r" or " , "|", ga_for_gbr) ga_for_gbr = re.sub(r" and " , "&", ga_for_gbr) ga_for_gbr = re.sub(r"\s" , "", ga_for_gbr) if re.findall("\||&", ga_for_gbr): to_compare_ga_subsets = list(compile_input(ga_for_gbr)) genes = [] for to_compare_subset in to_compare_ga_subsets: for gene in to_compare_subset: genes.append(gene) else: genes = [ga_for_gbr.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')] reaction_genes.append(';'.join(genes)) else: reaction_genes.append('') else: reaction_genes.append('') row = row + reaction_presents + reaction_genes row.append(all_reactions[reaction_id].reaction) reaction_file_rows.append(row) with open(reaction_file, 'w') as output_reaction: csvwriter = csv.writer(output_reaction, delimiter='\t') csvwriter.writerow(['reaction', *species_columns, *gene_columns, '_formula']) csvwriter.writerows(reaction_file_rows) compounds_file = output_folder + '/metabolites.tsv' compounds_rows = [] for compound_id in all_compounds: row = [compound_id] for sbml_file in sorted(all_files): if compound_id in compounds[sbml_file]: row.append(1) else: row.append(0) compounds_rows.append(row) with open(compounds_file, 'w') as output_compound: csvwriter = csv.writer(output_compound, delimiter='\t') csvwriter.writerow(['metabolite', *sorted(all_files)]) csvwriter.writerows(compounds_rows)
[docs] def compare_sbml(sbml1_path, sbml2_path): """ Compare 2 sbml, print nb of metabolites and reactions. If reaction missing print reaction id, and reaction formula. Parameters ---------- sbml1_path: str path to the first sbml file to compare sbml2_path: str path to the second sbml file to compare """ if not os.path.exists(sbml1_path): raise FileNotFoundError("No SBML file or directory (sbml1_path) accessible at " + sbml1_path) if not os.path.exists(sbml2_path): raise FileNotFoundError("No SBML file or directory (sbml2_path) accessible at " + sbml2_path) sbml_1 = read_sbml_model(sbml1_path) sbml_2 = read_sbml_model(sbml2_path) print("sbml1:") print("metabolites: %s" %(len(sbml_1.metabolites))) print("reactions: %s" %(len(sbml_1.reactions))) print("sbml2:") print("metabolites: %s" %(len(sbml_2.metabolites))) print("reactions: %s" %(len(sbml_2.reactions))) not_in1 = [i for i in sbml_2.reactions if i not in sbml_1.reactions] print("reactions not in sbml1: %s" %len(not_in1)) for i in not_in1: print("\t%s" %i) not_in2 = [i for i in sbml_1.reactions if i not in sbml_2.reactions] print("reactions not in sbml2: %s" %len(not_in2)) for j in not_in2: print("\t%s" %j) all_diff = set() for rxn1 in sbml_1.reactions: rxn_id = try: rxn2 = sbml_2.reactions.get_by_id(rxn_id) same_cpd, same_rev = compare_rxn(rxn1, rxn2) if rxn_id not in all_diff: if not same_cpd: print("%s use different species" %rxn_id) if not same_rev: print("%s use different reversibility" %rxn_id) all_diff.add(rxn_id) except KeyError: pass for rxn2 in sbml_2.reactions: rxn_id = try: rxn1 = sbml_1.reactions.get_by_id(rxn_id) same_cpd, same_rev = compare_rxn(rxn1, rxn2) if rxn_id not in all_diff: if not same_cpd: print("%s use different species" %rxn_id) if not same_rev: print("%s use different reversibility" %rxn_id) all_diff.add(rxn_id) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def compare_rxn(rxn1,rxn2): """ compare two cobra reaction object and return (same_cpd, same_rev) same_cpd: bool, if true means same compounds consumed and produced same_reve: bool, if true means same direction of reaction (reversible or not) Parameters ---------- rxn1: cobra.model.reaction reaction as cobra object rxn2: cobra.model.reaction reaction as cobra object Returns ------- tuple: (same_cpd (bool), same_rev (bool)) """ same_cpd, same_rev = False, False rxn1_dict,rxn2_dict = {}, {} for k,v in list(rxn1.metabolites.items()): rxn1_dict[] = v for k,v in list(rxn2.metabolites.items()): rxn2_dict[] = v if rxn1_dict == rxn2_dict: same_cpd = True if rxn1.reversibility == rxn2.reversibility: same_rev = True return (same_cpd, same_rev)