Source code for padmet.utils.connection.sbml_to_sbml

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Create sbml from sbml. Use it to change sbml level.


        padmet sbml_to_sbml --input=FILE/FOLDER --output=FILE/FOLDER --new_sbml_lvl=STR [--cpu=INT]

        -h --help    Show help.
        --input=FILE    path of the sbml file/folder to convert into sbml
        --output=FILE    path of the sbml file/folder to generate.
        --new_sbml_lvl=STR    level of the new sbml.
        --cpu=FILE    number of cpu used [default: 1].
        -v   print info.
import docopt
import os
import sys

from multiprocessing import Pool
from padmet.classes import PadmetSpec, instantiate_padmet
from padmet.utils.connection import sbmlGenerator

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def sbml_to_sbml_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) input_sbml = args["--input"] output_sbml = args["--output"] new_sbml_level = args["--new_sbml_lvl"] cpu = args['--cpu'] from_sbml_to_sbml(input_sbml, output_sbml, new_sbml_level, cpu)
[docs] def run_sbml_to_sbml(multiprocess_data): """Turn sbml to sbml. Parameters ---------- multiprocess_data: dict pathname to species sbml file, pathname to output sbml file, new sbml level Returns ------- bool: True if sbml file exists """ padmet_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file']))[0] padmet = sbml_to_padmet(sbml=multiprocess_data['sbml_file'], db=None, version=None, source_tool=None, source_category=None, source_id=None, mapping=None, verbose=None, padmet_id=padmet_id) sbmlGenerator.padmet_to_sbml(padmet, multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file'], sbml_lvl=multiprocess_data['new_sbml_level'], verbose=False) if multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file'] and not os.access(multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file'], os.W_OK): try: open(multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file'], 'w').close() os.unlink(multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file']) return True except OSError: return False else: # path is accessible return True
[docs] def sbml_to_padmet(sbml, db, version, source_tool, source_category, source_id, mapping, verbose, padmet_id): """ #TODO """ db='NA' version='NA' if os.path.isdir(sbml): sbml_type = "dir" elif os.path.isfile(sbml): sbml_type = "file" else: raise TypeError("%s is not a dir or a file" %(sbml)) padmet_to_update = instantiate_padmet("PadmetSpec", None, padmet_id, db, version, verbose) #if sbml is a directory, recover all file path in a list. if no => only one file: create a list with only this file sbml_mapping_dict = {} if sbml_type == "dir": path = sbml if not path.endswith("/"): path += "/" all_files = [i for i in next(os.walk(path))[2] if not i.startswith(".~lock")] for sbml_file in [i for i in all_files if i.endswith(".sbml") or i.endswith(".xml")]: mapping_file = os.path.splitext(sbml_file)[0] + "_dict.csv" if mapping_file not in all_files: mapping_file = None else: mapping_file = path+mapping_file sbml_file = path+sbml_file sbml_mapping_dict[sbml_file] = mapping_file else: sbml_mapping_dict[sbml] = mapping for sbml_file, mapping_file in list(sbml_mapping_dict.items()): if mapping_file: force = False else: force = True padmet_to_update.updateFromSbml(sbml_file, verbose = verbose, source_category = source_category, source_id = source_id, source_tool = source_tool, mapping_file = mapping_file, force = force ) if len(list(sbml_mapping_dict.keys())) == 0: if verbose: print("No sbml found in %s" %sbml) return padmet_to_update
[docs] def from_sbml_to_sbml(input_sbml, output_sbml, new_sbml_level, cpu=1): """Turn sbml to sbml. Parameters ---------- input_sbml: str pathname to species sbml file/folder output_sbml: str pathname to output sbml file/folder new_sbml_level: int new sbml level cpu: int number of cpu Returns ------- str: pathname to output sbml file/folder """ try: new_sbml_level = int(new_sbml_level) except: print('SBML level must be an int.') if new_sbml_level not in [2, 3]: sys.exit('New SBML level must be 2 or 3.') sbml_to_sbml_pool = Pool(processes=int(cpu)) multiprocess_datas = [] if os.path.isdir(input_sbml): if not os.path.isdir(output_sbml): try: os.makedirs(output_sbml) except OSError: print('Impossible to create output folder.') for sbml_file in os.listdir(input_sbml): multiprocess_data = {} multiprocess_data['sbml_file'] = input_sbml + '/' + sbml_file multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file'] = output_sbml + '/' + sbml_file multiprocess_data['new_sbml_level'] = new_sbml_level multiprocess_datas.append(multiprocess_data) elif os.path.isfile(input_sbml): multiprocess_data = {} multiprocess_data['sbml_file'] = input_sbml multiprocess_data['sbml_output_file'] = output_sbml multiprocess_data['new_sbml_level'] = new_sbml_level multiprocess_datas.append(multiprocess_data) sbml_checks =, multiprocess_datas) sbml_to_sbml_pool.close() sbml_to_sbml_pool.join() if all(sbml_checks): return output_sbml else: print("Error during sbml creation.")