Source code for padmet.utils.connection.sbml_to_curation_form

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    extract 1 reaction (if rxn_id) or a list of reactions (if rxn_file) 
    from a sbml file to the form used in aureme for curation.
    For example use this script to extract specific missing reaction of a model to
    a just created metabolic network.


        padmet sbml_to_curation_form --sbml=FILE --output=FILE --rxn_id=ID [--comment=STR] [--extract-gene] [-v]
        padmet sbml_to_curation_form --sbml=FILE --output=FILE --rxn_file=FILE [--comment=STR] [--extract-gene] [-v]

        -h --help     Show help.
        --sbml=FILE    path of the sbml.
        --output=FILE    form containing the reaction extracted, form used for manual curation in aureme.
        --rxn_id=FILE    id of one reaction to extract
        --rxn_file=FILE    file of reactions ids to extract, 1 id by line.
        --extract-gene    If true, extract also genes associated to reactions.
        --comment=STR    comment associated to the reactions in the form. Used to track sources of curation in aureme [default: "N.A"].
        -v   print info
import docopt
import libsbml
import os

from padmet.utils.sbmlPlugin import convert_from_coded_id, parseNotes

[docs] def command_help(): """ Show help for analysis command. """ print(docopt.docopt(__doc__))
[docs] def sbml_to_curation_form_cli(command_args): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=command_args) sbml_file = args["--sbml"] if args["--rxn_id"]: rxn_list = [args["--rxn_id"]] if args["--rxn_file"]: with open(args["--rxn_file"], 'r') as f: rxn_list = output = args["--output"] comment = args["--comment"] verbose = args["-v"] extract_gene = args["--extract-gene"] sbml_to_curation(sbml_file, rxn_list, output, extract_gene=extract_gene, comment=comment, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def sbml_to_curation(sbml_file, rxn_list, output, extract_gene=False, comment="N.A", verbose=False): """ Read a sbml file, check if each reaction ids are in the sbml, if no, raise ValueError Then create the form. this form can then be used with Parameters ---------- sbml_file: str path to sbml file rxn_list: list list of reaction id, ids must be identic as in the sbml, carrefull to encoded ids. output: str path to the form to create extract_gene: bool if true extract genes association comment: str Comment why the reaction will be added in the network for traceability. verbose: bool if True print information """ if not os.path.exists(sbml_file): raise FileNotFoundError("No SBML file (--sbml/sbml_file) accessible at " + sbml_file) reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() document = reader.readSBML(sbml_file) for i in range(document.getNumErrors()): print(document.getError(i).getMessage()) model = document.getModel() listOfReactions = model.getListOfReactions() #check if reactions id are in model. if verbose: print("Check if reaction(s) are in sbml file") for rxn_id in rxn_list: if rxn_id in [ for r in listOfReactions]: if verbose: print("reaction %s found" %rxn_id) else: raise ValueError("/!\ reaction %s not found" %rxn_id) #create form output with open(output, 'w') as f: for rxn_id in rxn_list: rxn_sbml = listOfReactions.getElementBySId(rxn_id) rxn_id_decoded = convert_from_coded_id(rxn_id)[0] if verbose: print("extracting reaction %s, decoded id as %s" %(rxn_id, rxn_id_decoded)) line = ["reaction_id",rxn_id_decoded] line = "\t".join(line)+"\n" f.write(line) line = ["comment",comment] line = "\t".join(line)+"\n" f.write(line) if rxn_sbml.reversible: line = ["reversible","true"] else: line = ["reversible","false"] line = "\t".join(line)+"\n" f.write(line) #check if have gene assoc if extract_gene: try: gene_assoc = parseNotes(rxn_sbml)["GENE_ASSOCIATION"][0] line = ["linked_gene", gene_assoc] except KeyError: line = ["linked_gene", ""] else: line = ["linked_gene", ""] line = "\t".join(line)+"\n" f.write(line) line = ["#reactant/product","#stoichio:compound_id:compart"] line = "\t".join(line)+"\n" f.write(line) reactants = rxn_sbml.getListOfReactants() products = rxn_sbml.getListOfProducts() for reactant in reactants: stoich = str(abs(reactant.getStoichiometry())) reactant_id,x, compart = convert_from_coded_id(reactant.getSpecies()) line = ":".join([stoich, reactant_id, compart]) line = "reactant"+"\t"+line+"\n" f.write(line) for product in products: stoich = str(abs(product.getStoichiometry())) product_id,x, compart = convert_from_coded_id(product.getSpecies()) line = ":".join([stoich, product_id, compart]) line = "product"+"\t"+line+"\n" f.write(line) f.write("\n")